Wys Wellness

About Wys Wellness

Wys (“Wize”) is an ancient African term used to suggest “wise” or “wisdom”. In the Wys Wellness, LLC framework, the Wys way to heal is to move toward your dream life while addressing your health from multiple angles such as physical, mental, spiritual, and all of the above.

Wys Wellness is determined to bring true health and healing around the world through movement therapy, embodied Reiki practices, and specialized energy healing services. Follow us and join the movement.


Values: education, health & wealth.

Mission: to show people the magic of embodied healing.

More About Wys Wellness, LLC


Wys Wellness is a black-owned health education & healing company founded by XaHara A. MeGod. In her work as a therapist and physical trainer for over 10 years, XaHara had witnessed countless events of people, of all kinds, being taken advantage of within the healthcare system by those in positions of power. She became emotionally moved to bring high quality & effective healing services to people in need around the world. With her award winning and high quality healing services, she was able to find the motivation to build Wys Wellness, a true healing company that teaches its members effective, efficient (& some say magical!) ways of healing whole-listically!


Wys Wellness inspires to globally change the world of health through education of embodied healing and dance/movement. Our education frees people from oppressive healthcare systems and teaches them better, more effective ways of achieving optimal health overall.

Goals of Wys Wellness

Our goal is take over the world of health through education, health, and movement towards the obtainment of wealth.

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