Wys Wellness

What's Embodied Health?

What's Embodied Reiki?

Embodied Reiki is powerful energy healing that utilizes the body as an assistant in the healing process. Through specialized movement practices, we are able to open up your energy channels and relax your body into a intimate state of "receiving". It is in this state, your body, mind, and spirit receives a pure transmission of Reiki energy that permeates throughout your body. Embodied Reiki sessions are known to induce healing in all types of emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual traumas, blockages, and chronic pains.

What's Embodiment?

"to be aware and conscious, physically" To embody, means to be present with your body's emotional, physical, and spiritual experience, happening in and around it. It is understanding that the body is a brain of its own, experiencing life with you, yet, with a difference lens.

Why Embody?

In a world dense with trauma, distractions, and work obligations, it's easy to drift away from providing nurture to your beautiful body. When you embody, you begin to heal the body. From here, your dream life of manifesting and living in vitality all become possible.

How to Embody?

Embodiment is a practice. It's a commitment to understand the body's emotional experience, its movement through life, and its bountiful and dynamic history. Embodiment is to be fully present with your body as the teacher. It's to be quiet and listen to it speak to you through movement. . . even the subtlest. Want to learn? We will teach you.

Effects & Benefits

The release of energetic and physical blockages allow you to feel lighter, healthier, and ultimately happier in your body. Most essentially, it's important to understand that dis-ease, illness, and physical ailments emerge when the body is experiencing direct neglect. It begins to speak to you the best it knows how to get your attention and care. You can prevent dis-ease and disorder by regularly tending to the needs and wants of your body. This starts by listening with embodied practices.

Embodied Manifesting

Repairing the relationship between your body, mind, and spirit allows them to work together like a team. They each have their own special gifts and talents. When they are able to communicate effectively, your body, mind, and spirit will utilize each of their own unique gifts, in unison, to send you on a direct path of good health and fortune. You will experience magical phenomena where things line for you at the right place and at the right time for all physical, mental, and spiritual health needs.
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